If I’m being honest, I don’t even know how I graduated high school, let alone got into college.  I had a 1.4 GPA my senior year and I never went to class.  I went to school exclusively to deal drugs.  However, I ultimately decided to take my SATs and submit a college application.  The way I saw it, going to college would allow me to expand my market and make way more money.   

I wrote my SATs and ended up getting perfect on the writing component and scored very highly on math.  My SAT score combined with my admissions essay proved to be enough for a college in Florida to look past my GPA and accept me.  

It didn’t take long before my college career went to shit though.  I was still selling drugs and my self-destructive attitude only got worse.  Within a month I was kicked out of my new school. 

I knew that if I went back home though, I would be taking a step back, so I took some of the money I’d saved up, bought a house near the university, and doubled down on drug dealing.  

By the end of what was supposed to be my freshman year of college, I had established a drug operation that spanned from my hometown in Lawrence MA, to Vermont, and from Montreal, Canada to Florida. It was massive and I was selling everything from weed to heroin.

The only problem with all of this was that selling copious amounts of drugs also meant that they were readily available for my consumption – and I definitely got high on my own supply.  I was snorting coke and ketamine and dropping acid the same way people would take sips of coffee or water.  I wouldn’t even think about it as I was doing it, it just became automatic. 

I was doing so much coke and ketamine that I started to spin out and lose my grip on reality.  I didn’t know what was real and what was a figment of my imagination.  

I soon secluded into heroin, which, ironically, helped me get my head straight.  However, it only took a matter of weeks before I was in a full-blown heroin addiction that only compounded the chaos that had come to characterize my life. 

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